Tuesday, September 1, 2015


It was our version of tag
'Run for dear life or get poked in the stomach.'
When we were out of energy we so badly desired powers of invisibility -- not just with games, we both felt weird about other people. How come Harry gets an invisibility cloak?

Smell of kitty litter, mold, and air fresheners ran through the house when we weren't playing.

The kitty litter seemed to want to stay in our mouths. That nightly cheese-stuffed-crust pepperoni pizza tasted much better though; our little coping drug everynight which they delivered with a surprise DVD.

We hugged each other. Wasn't much. But I know it was when we heard the strange noises behind their door, When they came out and we saw different people. We screamed. Her jaw did something funny. He would look straight through us.

We didn't truly want a cloak.

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